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Planning Board Minutes 9/23/10
September,23rd 2010 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Maggie Leonard, Alan Soloman, Larry Klein, Barry, Bridget Krans and Stephen Enoch
Public Present: Brian Domina of Berkshire Regional Planning, Chris Tryon of Kelly, Granger and Parsons
Meeting to Order: 7:06

  • Form A- Chris Tryon of Kelly, Granger and Parson was present for Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Blue Hill road to submit a Form A. The well that was for the main house is not located on the same parcel as the main house. The property lines are going to be redrawn to include the placement of the well on the same parcel as the main house. The board was concerned as the whether or not the common driveway could remain a Grandfathered common driveway if the property was being changed. The board requested a letter from the Hall's attorney and Maggie is going to check with town council as to his opinion. Chris is going to get the above mentioned letter and return to the board.
  • Brian Domina of Berkshire Regional Planning-  Brian has complied a list of questions along with members of the Planning Board to ask AT&T as well as Florida Tower Partners.  The board is going to meet with a representative from AT&T on Wednesday the 29th at 3:00PM.
  • Current activity with the telecommunications bylaw-Previously the board had hopped for AT&T to invest in doing a study of the town to decide where the best overlay district would be. Both companies are most interested in route 23 and are not confident that they want to pay to do a study of the entire town. The main question the board still faces is if the bylaws should have the entire town be an overlay district or decide which areas would be best and specify them in the zoning bylaws.
  • Meeting Minutes- The board discussed the ongoing problem of not getting minutes in in a timely fashion. The board was unclear as to whether or not minutes could be approved via email or if minutes could be approved from a meeting where there was no quorum. Alan and Barry felt that if there was no quorum no meeting should be held. Alan also felt that minutes should not be approved via email but they could be submitted to the town website without being approved. When there is no quorum and as a result no meeting instead of minutes a note will be posted that there are not minutes available due to no meeting. The board agreed to email the minutes to the members that were present and approve them via email.
  • Special Permit Application- Robert Johnson of 2 Elephant Rock Road. The plans show weatherization of the house as well as adding a finished basement with a bathroom and a bedroom. The deck will be enlarged however the footprint will not change. The non-conformity will not increase. Stephen Enoch pointed out that the plans show no stairs to reach the proposed basement. Alan pointed out that they were in-fact increasing the foot print by increasing the size of the deck. Alan made a motion to indicate to the board of appeals that we approve the application however we questioned the fact that there was no indoor access to the basement. Larry seconded and the board approved unanimously.
  • Open Mail- A special permit application was in the mail. The board decided unanimously to review the special permit application at the next meeting.
  • Stephen Rose- The board decided to notify Stephen that his position as co-chair seemed inappropriate due to his lack of presence.  The board was unclear as to whether he was still interested in being a member of the planning board. Bridget will email him.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:16PM
Submitted by Bridget Krans